Photo of Harry Osborn before the incident.
Photo of Harry Osborn before the incident.

The Red Reed

Mouse Central Police has reported on September 3rd, 2023, that a young mouse named Harry Osborn, was found unconscious in a pond near Frog Central. A male adult frog, who wishes to not be named, found the young mouse washed ashore near his home on a cloudy night.

“I couldn’t believe my eyes,” he told the police of Mouse Central, “I was so scared that one of his kind would find me and think I did it. It was my wife who got the courage to call the police.”

Officials say a red reed was tied loosely around his ankle, with deep indentations of the once tight reed. In his hand, held the leg of a frog that looked like it had been chewed off by a much larger creature. He was treated and cared for at Frog Centrals’ Hospital due to the closeness of the site of him being found. Harry Osborn had many injuries that led to a coma that lasted from September 3rd to September 8th, 2023. Once he woke up, doctors who had treated Harry told Ratty’s Newspaper “He was so scared that he shook like a leaf! I don’t think an innocent man would be so terrified if he was actually innocent,” stated Dr. Froggy. 

Nurse Lilia had shared her opinion as well on the situation, “I believe he is innocent of whatever crime people say he’s committed, every time I walked into his room, he was always looking at his hands with despair in his eyes. People believe he is guilty because he’s a mouse, but it’s a meaningless stereotype.”

Reporter Rachel Rodent spoke with Harry on September 10th, 2023, in his apartment he recently came back home to. Rachel asked the permission of the young mouse if she could record their conversation and his reply was hesitant but agreed. Here’s what he had to say:

Rachel; “Why did you end up in that pond so far away from your home? Did you mean to go there?”

Harry; “Well, I just recently moved out of my parents house and craved a sense of adventure, that’s why I moved to such a busy city. I was wandering around the outskirts of town when I ran into a buddy of mine from college. He’s a frog so when people saw us together we got a lot of dirty looks. Anyways, he ended up bringing me to this very isolated pond near Frog Central. I… I… I don’t remember what I was talking about.”

Rachel; “What happened at that pond?”

Harry; “… I didn’t know how to swim. So he tied a red reed around my ankle. He promised me that I’d be fine and that he wouldn’t let me drown. At first I thought he just wanted to teach me how to swim… until he went into the water.”


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