The Mystery Princess

The Mystery Princess

Dean Tremaine’s wife dies from a horrible illness. People say her death has impacted many, but he didn’t get impacted at all. 

Reporters have seen him with another woman that claims to be his wife. 

“ It only took him half a year “ states Cinderella. She is in disbelief when she is brought into her home and “ completely destroys it “ she states again, “ They took my clothes and made me wear dirty smocks. “ 

Cinderella states how she wishes her mother was here so everyone could get treated equally again. 

News got out to the family that Prince Max was having a festival where every “single” lady would have to line up to dance with him. He states “ I want to find myself a wife, I can’t be alone forever” His father agrees gratefully. 

There have been many rumors that the Tremaines family is going to the festival but is leaving Cinderella behind. 

We talked to Cinderella today and asked if the rumors were true and she said “ Yes, unfortunately Karen is making me stay home and clean, she said I don’t have the right clothes to go anyway.”

Later that night rumors said they saw Cinderella in the most beautiful dress and they think Prince Max is definitely going to choose her as his dancing partner.

They talked to Prince Max and this is what he had to say “ I don’t know who she was, she never gave me a name, but whoever she is  I want to find out her name at once. “ They also interviewed Mr. Tremaine “ she kinda looked like my daughter but I know she could never get dolled up like that, she’s beautiful… I think we were all in shock. “

As you heard from Prince Max, Mr. Tremaine and many other people were seriously shocked at how beautiful and mysterious this “ mystery “ princess  is. 

We came back and talked to Cinderella to see if she had seen or heard about the “mystery “ princess. 

“No I haven’t, I don’t know what you’re talking about, was she pretty?” reporter replied with “ she was the most stunning princess we saw “  “ Wow, she must have been super lucky, wish I was her” 

Day two of the Prince’s festival

Again the same princess is at the festival. Reporters say she’s in an even better dress and the prince took her hand right away. 

Karen ( Stepmom ) says that she’s jealous that he chooses her the entire time and gives no one else a chance. 

Cinderella is interviewed every night of the festival and she states she wishes she could go and see how beautiful she is. Everyone there is in all of the mystery princes  and can’t wait to see who she actually turns out to be. 

Final day of Prince’s festival

Same girl is spotted dancing with the prince with golden slippers and the most beautiful dress in the entire world. 

People say they could see their own reflection on her shoes and her dress sparkled within all the lights. Some people even mistaken her as a disco ball. 

Again Cinderella has no idea who it is and says she wished she could be there. 

Reporters say that every night they went to check on Cinderella she was always cleaning and was always in her dirty mocks. They never thought it could be Cinderella with dirt all over her face and hands and having no way to store any of those fabulous dresses. 

A few days later the prince told everyone that they had found the mysterious princess shoe that she left after she ran away from the festival. He said “ No one shall be my wife except for the one whose foot fits in this golden shoe.”

Reporters spotted him riding on his horse with many of his men going from house to house trying to find his future wife. 

He finally entered the land of the Tremaines… He entered the house and asked to see all the unmarried women in the household. Mrs. Tremaine said that he was very handsome and she knew one of her daughters would make a good match… 

Both girls tried on the shoe.

Opheila was first, her foot would’ve fit until her big toe got in the way. Karen stated “ Cut the toe off, as soon as you’re queen you won’t be on your feet anyway “. All the men looked at her while she did what she said. The prince put her on his horse while she was in great pain and rode off. 

Two little birds swung down and started singing :

Rook di goo, rook di goo! 

There’s blood in the shoe.

The shoe is too tight, 

This bride is not right!

According to Prince Max, he took her back because he saw the blood dripping down from the shoe and he felt in his gut that she wasn’t right. 

Avangalina was the second one to try it on. The shoes were too small and they had to cut some of her heel off in order to be the right woman to be the right bride. 

Again the birds came down and started singing again:

Rook di goo, rook di goo! 

There’s blood in the shoe.

The shoe is too tight, 

This bride is not right!

Prince Max told reporters that it seems like the bride might not be here. 

Mr. Tremain told him that there was one more girl, “ My daughter from my late wife “ In his mind she was beautiful, more than the other girls. 

She was brought down and Karen told reporters that she was more fit to be a castel  maid than a wife. Prince Max told reporters that his heart instantly dropped when he saw the pretty woman, and that pretty woman was Cinderella. 

He slipped on the shoe to the small foot and it was a perfect match. The shoe wasn’t too tight nor was it too big, it was just right. He took her onto his horse and rode to the castle. 

Everyone was shocked when they found out. They were so confused on how she got so pretty and got all those dresses. Karen stated that she must’ve been stealing the dress and the shoes from somewhere and the makeup was stolen from her. 

Reporters were even in shock. She told them that a little bird would drop down a beautiful dress and wonderful shoes for her to wear the past three night of the festival 

She states “ every night i would go to my mothers grave and say:

“ Shake and quiver, little tree, 

  Throw gold and silver down to me, 

And a little bird would do its magic. I would run off and go to the festival because I wanted to be treated fairly. “

After days of staying in the castle the prince finally married Cinderella making her a true princess. News got out to reporters saying that the stepsisters walked aside her while birds pecked their eyes out, that’s because of their wickedness and their cruelty.

Prince Max and Princess Cinderella lived happy and fair in their wonderful kingdom. 

“ I finally got a happy ending with the most handsomest man in the world “ states Cinderella.


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